International projects


Our international projects include:

Services EU

As part of our European focus, we support European institutions and agencies as well as international organisations, especially in the areas of labour market policy and the promotion of gender equality.  

The focus is on:

  • Cross-border good practice exchange, peer reviews and mutual learning, which we have been successfully implementing in various programmes for the European Commission for over 15 years.
  • Comparative and thematic studies in the fields of labour market policy and gender equality.
  • Expansion and management of a large pool of experts, with members in all EU Member States and beyond.


Grants enable us to work with European and international partners to apply our know-how for supporting disadvantaged groups across borders, especially in the areas of entrepreneurship, labour market policy, active labour market measures and youth. Our experts develop guidelines, toolboxes and innovative programmes for our target groups.

Technical Assistance

Through projects in the field of Technical Assistance, we support the development of structures and practices in the fields of labour market and social policy in countries outside the EU. In doing so, we work together with ministries, authorities, and civil society, for example to further develop offers from labour market agencies, to develop industry-relevant skills or to promote the labour market integration of disadvantaged and vulnerable people.


Our clients include the European Commissionthe European Parliament, ministries, the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) and the OECD.



Mag.a Renate Haupfleisch
Head of Department International Projects

Services EU

Mutual Learning

Exchange of good practices in the field of gender equality


We have been implementing the EU programme “Mutual Learning” in the field of gender equality (European Commission, DG Justice) since 2011.

The aim of the programme is to promote mutual learning through the exchange of knowledge and good practices between government officials, independent experts, EU officials and other stakeholders involved.

The focus is on concrete policy measures and practical examples. Both opportunities and obstacles for policy implementation are identified and the opportunities and challenges with regard to transferability to other countries are examined.


  • Content and methodological conception of three seminars per year
  • Identification and selection of the participating independent experts
  • Logistical support for the participants
  • Moderation of the events
  • Preparation of summary reports (in English, German and French) which are published on the programme website
  • Evaluation of the programme

Main topics

  • Promotion of women in political and economic decision-making positions
  • Reducing the gender pay gap
  • Reconciliation of work and family / private life
  • Violence against women
  • Gender mainstreaming and gender impact assessment
  • Promote female entrepreneurship
  • Eliminate gender segregation in the labour market and in education
  • The role of men in promoting gender equality


Mag.a Monika Natter

Further information

Services EU

"Benchlearning" among Public Employment Services (PES)

Fostering cooperation and mutual learning among European PES


Since 2019, we are a partner in the EU PES Benchlearning programme. Benchlearning is an innovative concept combining quantitative and qualitative benchmarking with evidence-informed mutual learning. We are responsible for the mutual learning strand of the programme.

The programme is implemented on behalf of the European Commission and the European Network of Public Employment Services. The objective is to foster cooperation between European PES and to support the implementation of good practices in order to improve PES performance and service quality.


  • Organisation of three Working Groups, two Thematic Review Workshops and one Network seminar per year
  • Development of an appropriate learning methodology tailored to each event
  • Identification of thematic experts
  • Moderation of the events
  • Preparation and coordination of summary reports and thematic papers
  • Provision of full logistic support

Main topics

  • Future of work and digitalisation
  • PES Service delivery
  • PES Performance Management
  • Strengthening PES visibility and responding to emerging challenges


Mag.a Monika Natter

Further information

Services EU

Collection of good practices on gender mainstreaming in the European Green Deal

Promoting gender equality in the areas of the European Green Deal


On behalf of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), good practices have been collected in 10 EU Member States that show how gender mainstreaming can be effectively implemented in the policy areas of the European Green Deal, including climate, environment and oceans, energy, transport, agriculture, finance and regional development, industry, and research and innovation.

The project also included the revision of the existing EIGE methodology for collecting good practices.


  • Advance gender mainstreaming in the European Green Deal policy areas.
  • Increase practical know-how of EU policymakers and practitioners on gender mainstreaming in the European Green Deal.

Project activities

  • Revise the existing EIGE good practices methodology (including desk research, review of the existing EIGE methodology, develop a new methodology and test it with stakeholders).
  • Identification of practices with the help of national experts.
  • Assessment of practices.
  • Preparation of a consultation meeting with stakeholders to select the final good practices for publication.
  • Development of knowledge-based awareness-raising materials.


Mag.a Renate Haupfleisch

Services EU

Youth, Digitalisation and Gender Equality

Contribution to the EIGE report: Gender equality and young people: opportunities and risks of digitalisation


The study Youth, Digitalisation and Gender Equality is based on focus group interviews with young people between the ages of 15 and 18 and interviews with experts from the fields of digitalisation, youth and equality. This was implemented in 10 EU member states.


  • Creation of guidelines and organisation of focus groups and expert interviews in 10 EU member states
  • Presentation of the results in a report on the topic of gender-specific opportunities and risks of digitalisation for young people in Europe
  • Formulation of policy recommendations in the area of ​​participation of young people in public life, education and learning, combating gender-based violence on the Internet and cross-cutting issues.
  • Presentation of the research results during a stakeholder event organised by EIGE.

Main topics

The research focused on:

  • Identification and analysis of gender-specific opportunities created by digital technologies
  • Identification of gender-specific risks of digitalisation
  • Formulate policy recommendations in this area

Services EU

Radicalisation and Women

Analysis for the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) of the European Parliament


As a rule, violent radicalisation is still perceived as a predominantly “male” phenomenon. The role of women in extreme movements is therefore often neglected or reduced to the passive role of victim, although they do provide active support, e.g. with regard to recruitment and fundraising, but also in operational roles up to assassins.

Women therefore play a fundamental role in supporting and spreading jihadist ideologies. There is no general profile of women who support jihadism, but certain push and pull factors are often mentioned.

In particular, the internet also plays a relevant role, especially in recruiting women. In any case, it is clear that female radicalisation is a complex, multi-causal phenomenon and demands just such answers.

When it comes to preventing radicalisation, the majority of women are involved as mothers, sisters and wives. Although these are important roles, they also lead to a certain stereotyping that overlooks other valuable areas of application for women, e.g. as political influencers, educators, important members of the community and activists.


The analysis was carried out from July to November 2017 and had two objectives:

  • An examination of the factors that lead to the radicalisation of women and their involvement in violent extremism, as well as the mechanisms in place to combat radicalisation of women and girls.
  • The presentation of the potential of women in radicalisation prevention.

Services EU

Women in legal professions in the EU

Study for the Legal Committee of the European Parliament (JURI)


Despite a continuous trend towards a greater gender balance in legal professions, the data indicate a persistent gender imbalance in the top positions as well as horizontal segregation (for example, support staff in the legal sector is usually predominantly female). Although there are sometimes considerable differences between individual legal systems, countries, legal professions and hierarchical levels, this applies to all EU member states.

An example of this is the judge's profession. Viewed across Europe, there is a gender balance or even a slight excess of women. However, this only applies to the lower hierarchy levels. In the states of the Anglo-Saxon legal system, on the other hand, the entire profession of judges is male-dominated to over 60%.

The findings of the study therefore require a considerable amount of action to remove the main barriers to equal participation of women and men in legal professions. These include in particular:

  • the persistence of gender stereotypes, including a gender-related distortion effect (“gender bias”) with regard to recruitment and promotion. So, for example, men are generally given more competence and, above all, motherhood is equated with a lack of commitment to the profession. The “glass ceiling” and a corporate culture that is primarily geared towards men prevent women from climbing into top positions.
  • Difficulties in reconciling work and family life (“work-life balance”). This is particularly reinforced by the fact that in many legal professions, overtime and long working hours are seen as a sign of commitment and dedication and a downright necessity for professional advancement.
  • a lack of transparency in the hiring and promotion processes.
  • a lack of effective mentoring and support networks for women.
  • a lack of visibility of female role models in top legal positions.

        The study's recommendations include:

        • the exchange of "good practices" between Member States to tackle the imbalance in legal professions,
        • promoting the development of relevant action plans in the Member States,
        • and setting targets and also quotas if necessary.

        There is also a need for more systematic research into the situation of women and men in legal professions, as well as better collection and collection of data that is comparable at European level.

        In the area of ​​legal education, the introduction of a gender-specific approach as a cross-cutting issue would be desirable.  


        The study was carried out from December 2016 to June 2017 in collaboration with the Queen's University Belfast created and pursued the following goals:

        • To convey a picture of the situation in different legal professions in all 28 Member States.
        • Identify and investigate reasons for underrepresentation of women or men in some legal professions.

        The method relied on three pillars: literature analysis, stakeholder consultations and secondary data collection from existing national and European statistical sources.

        Grants ERASMUS+


        Promoting vocational training in the areas of computer science, electrical engineering/electronics and mechanical engineering to reduce the skills gap


        The project was implemented with financial support from the EU's Erasmus+ program together with our Croatian partners from the adult education center Praxis in Karlovac (coordination), the Karlovac Technical School and the Croatian Employment Service from March 2022 to November 2023.

        The aim of the project is to offer young people guidance in the area of ​​technical vocational training. We also supported our Croatian partners in introducing career advice in technical professions.

        Project activities

        • Analysis of good practice examples
        • Study visits to the Karlovac Technical School and to the ÖSB Consulting in Wien
        • Development of online tools for a competency check and self-assessment of technical skills;
        • Development of the concept for a career counseling tool for vocational school students with a focus on disadvantaged young people
        • Dissemination of project results

        Target groups

        • Young people (especially students and young people who are not in education, work or training – NEETs)
        • Teachers
        • Youth counselors


        Mag.a Renate Haupfleisch

        Further information


        Event industry integration

        The aim of the project is to support people with a refugee background, migrants and foreign employees in the partner countries Denmark, Germany, Liechtenstein and Austria in their integration into companies in the MICE sector (meetings, incentives, conventions, exhibitions).

        Project activities

        • Development of tools to determine competency
        • Development of a curriculum for education providers for the professional integration of the target groups
        • Development of a toolbox "Diversity Management for Companies"
        • Impact study on New Media & Augmented Reality Application
        • Pilot implementation of the outputs (“step2mice” measure): 2-week course with subsequent internship in companies in the event industry as well as support and placement of course and internship participants in permanent jobs, further information on the Website
        • Organisation and implementation of multiplier events as well as dissemination of the results and project content 

        target group

        • People with a high school diploma, university degree or dropouts (except HAK graduates and graduates of business studies)
        • IT user knowledge


        Mag.a Renate Haupfleisch

        Further information



        The project supports refugees between the ages of 18 and 25 with the intention of becoming self-employed to become financially independent and thus more integrated into the host countries.

        As part of the project, which is being implemented in Germany, Finland, Italy, Austria and Spain, these young people are accompanied and supported in all phases of sustainable business start-up.

        Project activities

        The project consists of 3 core phases of company formation:

        • Phase 1 “Connect!”: Pre-incubation, needs analysis, selection of participants, measurement of entrepreneurial intent, involvement of local society as well as mentors and coaches, announcement of the programme
        • Phase 2 “Think & Design!”: Incubation, intensive training courses and workshops (e.g. national business cultures, legal framework conditions, administrative tasks for the self-employed), validation of "viable products", procurement of financial resources (loans, microcredits, public subsidies)
        • Phase 3 “Grow!”: Acceleration, validation of the learning steps through an intensive driving programme with special mentoring sessions and a focus on generating capital (investments)

        The phases are accompanied by:

        • Market and stakeholder analysis
        • Development of a training curriculum including teaching / learning material
        • Finding sponsors (support programme) and establishing a network of relevant stakeholders and experts
        • Collecting good practice examples as a basis for learning
        • Development and implementation of competence checks
        • Mentoring programme
        • Elaboration of a blue print  


        Mag.a Renate Haupfleisch

        Further information

        Global tenders

        Kosovo - Enhancing Employment of Vulnerable Groups

        EU Funded Technical Assistance Project on establishing structures and measures for integration of Vulnerable Groups in Kosovo.


        The overall objective of this project is to contribute to the transition from social assistance to employment of the most disadvantaged groups in the labor market, putting a special emphasis on social aid beneficiaries and people with disabilities.

        This objective will be contributed to through the project purpose defined as support to employment and social inclusion of the most disadvantaged and vulnerable groups in the labor market, in particular beneficiaries of social assistance and people with disabilities, through development and implementation of active employment policies at central and regional levels that will improve the employability of the above-mentioned groups and provide opportunities for entrepreneurship.

        The project is financed by the EU Commission; Beneficiary institution in Kosovo is the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (MLSW). The project implementation is planned to start beginning of 2014 and will last for 24 months.

        ÖSB Consulting GmbH enforces the two party consortium led by WYG and provides expertise in designing, elaboration and implementation of active labor market measures as a function of the needs of these target groups.


        Project TypeTechnical assistance
        Duration2014 – 2017 Feet
        Place of implementationPristina, Kosovo
        beneficiariesPublic institutions in the social and employment sector
        Contracting AuthorityEuropean Commission, DG Development & Cooperation (EuropeAid)
        ContactAnas Saedaddin


        Mag.a Monika Natter