Entrepreneurial thinking and acting are important basic skills in an agile working environment that we have been promoting in our programs for many years. In many cases, founding a company - as a way of building up a livelihood and working independently - is an interesting alternative to a dependent employment relationship or to unemployment.
With a multi-professional team of consultants, we support founders, one-person companies, new self-employed and freelance workers in realizing their plans.
Our offer
Depending on the phase of self-employment, the support focuses on:
Mag. Lukas Sommer
E: lukas.sommer@oesb.at
As part of the BC4U project, people looking for work in Tyrol receive a basic economic qualification. The aim is to prepare the participants well for the demands of the working world through job-related training.
Mag. Michael Goller
E: michael.goller@oesb.at
The project "Der Mikrokredit" enables founders to take the step into self-employment and existing companies the ongoing financing of the company. The specialty: even if there is a lack of equity and collateral.
In 2012 the project received the Constantinus Award in the “Personnel and Training” category. By the end of December 2020, over 840 loans had already been applied for.
“The microcredit” is an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Economic Affairs is from ÖSB Consulting together with the First bank and savings bank and the Austria Senior Expert Pool (ASEP).carried out.
Unemployed people can take part, threatened by unemployment, People at risk of poverty or disadvantaged in the labor market, but also those who are already self-employed (after prior clarification).
The Start-Up Services, an initiative of the Vienna Business Agency, include start-up coaching in a variety of languages. We also offer multilingual start-up workshops for prospective founders and young entrepreneurs.
You can find out more about the offer here.
The project is a cooperation of ÖSB Consulting and itworks Personalservice (promoter).
Mag. Lukas Sommer
E: lukas.summer@oesb.at
In the 1. step (Clarification phase) the business idea is checked for its feasibility. in the 2. step the preparation for the foundation follows, this phase lasts a maximum of six months. When self-employed work begins, the implementation phase begins (3. step), followed by free follow-up care (4. step).
The UGP Vienna is managed on behalf of the AMS by ÖSB Consulting in cooperation with bit management Beratung GmbH. carried out.
The UGP Carinthia, Upper Austria, Salzburg and Tyrol is on behalf of the AMS by ÖSB Consulting carried out.
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