Sustainability & Climate Consulting

Sustainability & Climate Consulting

Use sustainable development opportunities and drive transformation

The challenges facing our society have changed in recent years. Above all, climate change and the associated process of change play an important role.

Our new business area Sustainability & Climate Consulting focuses in particular on ecological sustainability and supports companies and public institutions in achieving current climate and environmental goals. One focus is on the resource-efficient circular economy, which makes a significant contribution to achieving these goals and also offers great economic development opportunities.

We see our task in supporting companies in the associated changes to business and sales models and support internal process changes by taking the circular economy into account. In addition to the ecological consideration, the economic benefit for the company also plays an important role.


target audience

Companies and public institutions that want to do their part to stop climate change.


Mag.a Eva Maria Kassl, MBA
Head of the Sustainability & Climate Consulting business unit


Sustainability consulting

For strategic sustainability advice comes the one specifically developed for this purpose Sustainability check from ÖSB Consulting for application. It is a low-threshold tool that helps SMEs self-evaluate and raise awareness of sustainability issues. It is the first step to deal with the complexity of sustainability and social-ecological transformation in the context of your own company.

Through questions and impulses on a wide range of topics four sustainability dimensions (Ecology, Social Affairs, Economics and Corporate Management) companies are taught what sustainability can mean in a business context. In addition, the connections between the dimensions, possible conflicting goals and also synergies become clear. The selection and formulation of the questionnaire was based on existing standards and indicator sets, for example the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations or the Balance of Common Good.

The aim is not an absolute assessment of corporate activities, but rather to raise awareness of the complexity of integrated sustainability management and to provide a low-threshold offer. Companies are then able to take the first steps and recommendations for action towards sustainable business.

Our offer

As part of the Sustainability checks from ÖSB Consulting The survey of sustainability activities is carried out using a comprehensive questionnaire at an initial meeting in the company. The primary goal of this survey is the company's self-evaluation and at the same time raising awareness of sustainability issues.

The data from the survey sheet is carefully prepared and presented to the company in a presentation at the second consultation appointment. The options for action, possible risks but also opportunities are made visible and the development potential of the company is shown. Further support options in other programs, consulting and funding formats in connection with circular economy, climate protection strategy or social-ecological transformation of companies are also explained.

After all consultation appointments, meaningful consultation documentation is created.

The advice can take place both on site in the company and online.

There is also the possibility of receiving financial support of up to 100% for this advice. We are happy to support you in handling this.

target group

Companies throughout Austria


Mag.a Eva Maria Kassl, MBA


Qualification and consulting support

With the Just Transition Fund (JTF), the European Union (EU) has set itself the goal of supporting and promoting sustainable structural change towards climate neutrality in regions that are most affected by the transition to a climate-neutral economy. The state of Carinthia therefore has corresponding ones Support measures for the transition to a carbon-neutral economy developed in the districts of Völkermarkt, Wolfsberg, St. Veit, Feldkirchen and Villach Land: The Qualification and consulting funding from the state of Carinthia as part of the Just Transition Fund (JTF).

Companies with an above-average GHG intensity and at the same time an above-average share of employment in GHG-intensive sectors are particularly affected. It is therefore important for these companies to develop a strategy on how they can make the transition to climate neutrality and at the same time make it fair and equitable.

The Just Transition Consulting focuses on companies and their employees who are confronted with the challenges of structural changes in the transition to a climate-neutral and circular economy and the associated new qualification requirements and adapted personnel planning. Our consulting service is aimed at companies and operates in the area of ​​tension between companies, their employees, as well as training providers and other funding bodies. The four areas of tension are interconnected: Companies change their economic activities in order to achieve climate goals or save resources. This entails new, changed tasks for employees and corresponding qualifications. That's why the changes in the company are directly related to the changes in the area of ​​employees and are therefore the focus of the consultation.

Our offer

  • Advising companies (CFO, managing directors, management)
  • Advice for employees in companies (employees)

target group

Companies and employees in the districts of Völkermarkt, Wolfsberg, St. Veit, Feldkirchen and Villach Land

Lower Austria

Awareness and focus advice for companies in the Weinviertel region

The funded advisory program of the Ecological business advice from the Lower Austrian Chamber of Commerce, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), supports Lower Austrian companies in identifying possible savings potential in the areas of energy, circular economy and mobility. The aim is to motivate small and medium-sized companies in particular to make environmentally relevant investments.

Awareness and focus consultations are offered to support companies in using existing resource potential and to open up new opportunities for resource-efficient and energy-saving business that is organized according to the principles of the circular economy.

Awareness stands for awareness. Therefore it should Awareness advice help to create awareness and provide an initial overview of various energy efficiency measures as well as show possibilities for using renewable energies. Topics such as thermal building renovation, increasing energy efficiency, energy management, the use of renewable energies and other relevant aspects in the area of ​​climate and circular economy are covered. Data on materials, waste, energy and mobility is collected at company level, which serves as the basis for further focussed consultations.

The Focus consultations focus on topics such as energy efficiency, renewable energies, circular economy and mobility, with the aim of developing concrete measures and supporting their implementation.

Our offer

Management consulting in the following areas:

  • Energy efficiency (thermal renovation, compressed air, lighting, heating/cooling/ventilation/heat recovery, process technology)
  • Renewable energy (photovoltaic system, solar energy, hydropower/wind power, heat pump, heating/cogeneration plant)
  • Mobility (switching to alternative drives, route optimization)
  • Recycling

target group

Companies in the Weinviertel region in the districts of Hollabrunn, Mistelbach, Gänserndorf, Korneuburg and Tulln


Mag.a Eva Maria Kassl, MBA

DI Kateryna Laba


Further information


Climate and health

The consequences of increasing climate change are resulting in new, significant health risks (e.g. heat-related hospitalizations and deaths, increase in respiratory diseases due to increasing pollen levels, new infectious diseases). In addition, the health system itself must be viewed as a structurally climate-relevant sector, which can be up to
8% of national CO2footprint. Researchers certainly see the potential for the climate crisis to develop into a comprehensive health crisis in the coming years.

That's why we work in the Sustainability & Climate Consulting business area on comprehensive and practical consulting and educational offerings at the interface between climate and health.

We design and carry out education and consulting projects in the healthcare sector, where we are increasingly concerned with teaching climate-related health literacy. We are currently running one funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). Project on climate change and health in the context of lay care.

People who work in lay care will face major challenges in the coming years due to the effects of climate change. The most serious health impacts are increasing heat waves, drought and allergy risks. In addition, lay carers are exposed to a higher workload (physical work in the heat) and have to address the increasing health risks of the people they are caring for (elderly and people with previous illnesses). Using digital technologies, we support health-promoting and climate-friendly behavior. These co-benefits are at the heart of the project.

Our offer

  • Target group-specific knowledge transfer around social-ecological transformations
  • Interdisciplinary workshops with stakeholders from the areas of climate and health
  • Conception of digital mediation offers
  • Project leadership and management of multidisciplinary project consortia

target group

Researchers and practitioners from the healthcare sector who want to work more at the interface between climate and health


Mag.a Eva Maria Kassl, MBA



We support companies and their employees as well as job seekers and career starters in preparing for the transformation of the economy with regard to sustainability, digitalization, the planned climate neutrality and the so-called “Green Deal”. In the spirit of “Consulting shapes the future”.

Our offer

Transformation skills for companies:

  • We assess the qualification needs in companies.
  • We provide information about existing training opportunities in the area of ​​ecological training and further education (green jobs).
  • We offer qualification and skills advice for employees with regard to the Green Deal.
  • We provide information and advice for a successful (re)entry into the job.

TransformationSkills workshops & seminars:

  • We provide information on the topics of sustainability, climate protection, green skills and green jobs in schools and AMS measures.
  • We inform employees about the professional opportunities that arise from the transformation.
  • We create general awareness for a just transition.

target group

Companies and employees in the districts of Gmunden, Kirchdorf ad Krems, Vöcklabruck and Wels Stadt & Wels Land.

TransformationSkills is (co-)financed by the Just Transition Fund (JTF) and the Province of Upper Austria.


Further information