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Innovative labor market impulses

Successful companies are competent employers for efficient, highly motivated teams

Competent employers are successful companies: A simple formula with a big impact. “Our economy is running out of skilled workers and workers” is often heard. Global upheavals bring additional risks to the labor market, but also offer opportunities for fit employers in Austria. In the future, those companies and employers who manage to leverage the available labor market potential of people of different origins, different ages and all genders will be successful. Competent employers develop their company into an attractive place for individual growth, careers and learning for their committed employees.

On behalf of the AMS, our consultants strengthen the employer fitness of Austrian companies. Our consultants analyze the initial situation, questions and future topics. The efficient use of fact-based quantitative methods and culture-representing qualitative methods leads to functional solutions for employees, companies and the labor market.


Mag.a Alexandra Weilhartner, MA MA
Head of Innovative Labor Market Impulses Business Unit


Impulsberatung für Betriebe

At IBB, companies get the chance to work on relevant HR issues and challenges of the company with the help of a competent team of consultants and to set impulses for the future.

Our offer

  • Implementation of an impulse check: professional assessment of the current situation and an overview of possible support offers in the form of AMS subsidies, identified impulse topics or specific measures
  • Measures of in-depth impulse topic consultation on seven key topics:
    1. Retaining and attracting staff #Employer attractiveness
    2. In-company training
    3. Securing jobs in the event of fluctuations in capacity
    4. Age-appropriate working
    5. Equal opportunities
    6. Designing company diversity/integration of labour market policy target groups
    7. Promoting ecological structural change

    Impulsberatung für Betriebe is a free advice service that is offered throughout Austria by the working group ÖSB Consulting (Lead Partner) and Deloitte together with the subcontractors BAB Unternehmensberatung, Merlin and Ximes.